You are welcome to participate in any of our programs below if you have a current OB/GYN or primary care physician. We will be glad to send them information on our consultation with you. If you do not currently have an OB/GYN or primary care physician…we will be happy to refer you to one who is open-minded to give you a well-rounded healthcare program.

Natural Menopause

Our program provides basic lifelong recommendations for being healthy at this important time in your life.  During the midlife phase of your life, it is important to be screened for inflammation and to learn to protect yourself from external toxins which can mimic your female hormones like estrogen. It is important to balance your hormones throughout your life. We screen for the problematic estrogen hormone metabolites which have been linked to a possible cause for breast cancer. If you are currently taking traditional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or bioidentical hormone therapy…you need to screen your estrogen metabolites.

Preconceptual Wellness

Trying to get pregnant can be the best time to clean your body and detox so that you are nutritionally fit when you become pregnant. There are studies linking a mother’s health to a possible cause for autism and future chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease for your infant. One study has shown that some infants were born with over 200 toxins in their umbilical cord.

Pregnancy and Postpartum Wellness

Becoming pregnant can be one of the most rewarding times in a woman’s life. This is the perfect time to make sure you are taking adequate vitamins and eating a well-balanced diet. Specific nutrient levels are important to screen for during pregnancy. For example, vitamin D and folic acid (a B vitamin) are very important nutrients to have adequate levels. There are additional nutrients that can help to prevent postpartum depression that we recommend during a consultation.

Breast Health

Prevention is the key to avoid breast cancer at any time of your life. Making your biological terrain (your personal make-up of your cells, fluids, etc.) is less likely to develop cancer if your system is free of inflammation.  How your immune system fights foreign insults in your body is also a critical factor for keeping your own terrain healthy. We are exposed to environmental toxins (like Bisphenol A, mercury, lead and arsenic) on a constant basis. These environmental toxins compete for your estrogen receptors in your breast tissue.  We screen for these environmental pollutants or we can just give you recommendations for protecting yourself. If you have a family history of breast cancer or if you are a breast cancer survivor…you need to be proactive on your future breast health/wellness.

Hormonal Wellness

All of your hormones need to work together to keep you healthy. Your thyroid gland, adrenals, estrogen/progesterone, testosterone, insulin, growth factors…all need to work in concert for your best health.  Controlling your sugar level also plays a big role in keeping it all together. We have a prediabetes (also called metabolic syndrome) prevention program where lifestyle changes are utilized first before any medications are recommended.

Mind-Body Wellness

You are probably not aware that chronic stress plays a huge role in your health decline. It also causes you to age more quickly. Stress has also been linked to less healthy pregnancies and needs to be addressed during pregnancy too. There are several ways to deal with stress which we discuss in our practice. We can use nutraceuticals as well as behavioral change to assist with stress management. Complete our stress questionnaire and call to discuss your findings.  Click here to download the questionnaire.

Weight Loss Assistance Program

Detoxification is important for adequate weight loss. Your fat cells can harbor what are called POPs (persistent organic pollutants) that are environmental toxins that get stored long term with weight loss. This can make it difficult for you to lose weight and to keep pounds off.  We can either help you with a weight loss program or assist you with your current program. Our detox program assists you on your weight loss journey. Complete our multiple symptom questionnaire to see if you need to detox.  Click here to download the questionnaire.

Nutrition Awareness

Determining your caloric needs is not only important but the type of calories you consume is what keeps you healthy. We have started to look at a person’s genes to see what foods are best for you and whether you need to be on a low carb diet vs. a low fat diet.  Our nutritionists, health and wellness coaches and personal chefs are available to help you on your nutrition path. Learning how to calculate the amount of fiber, fat, carbohydrates and protein in your meals is the best way long term to stay healthy.  Your long term goals should not including constant “dieting”.

Brain Health Awareness

Dementia and Alzheimer conditions are on the rise as the baby boomers grow older. We screen for these conditions and highly recommend genetic screening too. If there is a family history of dementia or Alzheimer’s, there are tests that can determine if you are definitely at risk or if you are a carrier. We evaluate your results and recommend a long term program for brain health prevention.